
A play with colors that letts your emoution run wild.

Use your emgination and explore what the painting tells you and make you feel.


Lett the colors flow. Loose control together with gavity and enjoy the playfull spectacular development


Abstract art

Techniques and materials vary widely in abstract art. It is a genre that allows great freedom, which places the emphasis on the individual artist's ability to convey meaning or evoke emotion.

Abstract art is about exploring and breaking boundaries.

It moves opinions about art that go far beyond more traditional art types. You either hate or love the art form.

For more figurative paintings please click below.

Participate in creating your own painting

You can order a customized painting to your home. Choose your favorite colors and I will create your own special painting.

Beige and Balck Pouring
Many colors pouring

Random or controlled

Abstract painting is a very diffecult art form. The outcome of the painting may seem very random however that is offen not the case .